Below you will find a brief summary of our story so far and our finances. As far as we know, no one has given to our grant. There are only 3 days left to benefit from this! In the mean time we have called and talked to several banks and have had NO success in getting a loan of any kind. If you have the means, PLEASE consider giving to help us give this precious baby a loving home. If you can't give, please pray for us. This is very stressful, but we are trying to lean on the Lord.
We felt the Lord tug on our hearts to start our journey to adoption in January. As soon as we started talking about it we heard an announcement at church about an adoption info meeting for an adoption agency through our church. We took all four kids, went to the meeting, and decided to pick up the initial paperwork right then. We worked fast, and quickly turned in the our pre-approval application and got a very fast reply that we were pre-approved. Then we started the major work. We had to do a ton of paperwork of pretty much our entire life history. We also had to get background checks from three different states, several personal references, doctor physicals, create and print a family profile, and more. Along with the cost of all the fees associate with those things we also had to have a social worker do a home study and pay the first portion of the main payment to the adoption agency. All that totaled to a little over $3,200.
It was May when all this was said and done and we were home study ready. It was only 12 days after we were home study ready that our profile was being looked at by a birth family. After a couple of days waiting to hear, they decided they wanted to meet us. We met them and it went extremely well; The Lord was with us. Ten days later, they called us and said they picked us! This meant we had very little time to come up with $4,108. We had used all the money we had saved up and fund-raised from selling baked goods and babysitting for the first major payment. However, God blessed us greatly, at the eleventh hour, by providing the money we needed for this portion through gifts from people.
We just recently met with our adoption attorney and found out that our legal fees would be around around $3,767. Also, we found out that a law had recently changed and we have to get our home study updated through a different agency which will cost us about $250. On July 6th we will have to pay the remainder of the agency fees of $2,625. And then after we have the baby we will have to have three social worker visits that will total about $900. The approximate total cost will be about $15,456; having already paid $7,330, we are still in need of a little over $8,000. The baby is due August 6th and I will be going to a doctors appointment with the birth mom soon and will hopefully find out more information.
We just heard from Hand in Hand, which is a non-profit private operating foundation that gives grants to Christian families that are adopting. We got a matching grant. They will match dollar for dollar up to $2,000 which would be $4,000 towards adoption costs. Any money given through them will be tax deductible. Also, any amount over the grant amount will still go to us towards adoption costs, it just won't be doubled.
Please send all donations made payable to “Hand in Hand Christian Adoption” postmarked by July 2nd
to: Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc.
Paul & Rebekah Hoover
18524 Juniper Street Gardner, KS 66030-9147
(for tax purposes please include our name on the outside of the envelope ONLY…DO NOT put our name on the check itself)
Thank you for your prayerful consideration in helping a child find a “forever” family. Also, if you would like to read more detail and follow us on our journey, feel free to follow our adoption blog: and feel free to ask questions e-mail or by phone 816-761-0073