Saturday, August 31, 2013


We are looking at profiles!!! Ahhhh, this is happening so fast!! ♫ ♪ That's the way uh huh uh huh I like it. Uh huh uh huh! ♪ ♫ I will let you all know when we choose one! Right now we are looking at Armenian, Caucasian (Italian/Russian), and Philipino couples. We are open to any ethnicity. Pretty much our only factor is how many embryo's the couple has. We are shooting for around 4. To get the best possibility of having 1 or 2 babies with out the likely hood of 5 or 6! We will give all embryos that we get a chance of life, but they will only transfer 2 at a time. So it all depends on how many survive the thaw, an then how many take in my womb. I could end up having to go through the procedure again if the first set thaw well and we have some left over. The only stress factor to it all happening so fast is the finances! The lawyer fee just to get the embryo's legally ours is $1,000! Trying not to let that overwhelm me, knowing I have a God who LOVES adoption and saving babies!! And just focus on praying for the babies to-be and looking forward to tiny ones being in my arms!! Thanks for walking this journey with us! We appreciate all the prayers and support we can get!!! If you can, please consider donating to help give these precious little ones a chance of life!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Now we wait for a match!

Sometimes things don't go quite as you plan...

 Today I was scheduled to talk to the doctor at 2:30. Perfect. Izzy will be down for a nap and I will have a little time to pray and unwind...however things changed... I was out running errands keeping very aware of the time to make sure I was home in plenty of time! While I was just walking away from the cash register at my last stop, I got a call. I knew as it rang it was the doctor and my heart sank. Oh no, this is not good timing! ...I answered and sure enough it was the nurse. She said I know it's early but are you available to talk to the doctor now?

(thinking to my self.....Like I'm going to say no?!? I'm too excited and I don't have patience. I'm not going to risk putting it off a day or two.)

 I said I'm just walking away from the register, can you give me 5 minutes to get in the car? She said yes, I'll have him call you in 5. So I rush to the car trying not to fumble getting my keys out of my purse trying to make sure I'm good and settled by the time he calls. I get Izzy in the car and text a friend to pray!! And I try to calm myself! It's not just that I'm driving, but Izzy likes to talk and needs responses the whole time when it's just her and I. So he calls and again he asks if it's okay and says he's sorry for screwing up the time but his wife wanted him home at a specific time and he wanted to make his wife happy.

(Now that is a great hubby, brownie points right there, even tho it messes me up)

So, Izzy was difficult as expected, but he was really nice. He really seems to care about these babies and his patients! I shared a very brief story of us and gave him our medical history. He said I need to start taking prenatal vitamins, so funny but a little thing like that makes me excited like I'm closer to having a baby! Also, to get information to the nurse about what we are open too genetic wise. My husband and I feel that every life is deserving of a loving family so we are open to ANY race!

 We originally were working towards an open adoption since it is easier on the child(ren), but I got overwhelmed with the spirit this afternoon about how anonymous babies need love even more because their bio parents don't want to even know about them! It will make things more challenging for us, but I want to show them love like no other and that they ARE wanted!

We are still open to an open adoption and have our profile up on Miracles Waiting, so we will see what door the Lord opens.

 The other factor is that we are only looking for a few embryo's because we will give all embies that we are matched with a chance at life, and since we already have 5, we don't want to get 10 embryo's.

So know we WAIT, the dreaded WAIT till we get matched. Once matched there is only about a month before I can have the procedure and get pregnant! I would really like to get pregnant before Christmas, but it's all in God's hands now and I trust that his timing is perfect!

So far we have been blessed tremendously, but we still need to raise a good amount of money to cover the lawyer fees, medication, procedure, more drugs, and travel expenses. There are still 2 days to take advantage of the Massage raffle!

Keep us in prayers and we appreciate any encouraging words!!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I know you might not care, but I have an appointment for a phone interview with the doctor in LA on Thursday at 2:30! Please pray all goes well, and especially for my nerves, so I speak clearly and not super fast because I'm so excited or fumble over my words!! Also, please feel free to leave comments! I'm going a bit crazy and it helps to know people are there :p

We still need funds as well. I'm running a raffle of sorts, was for today only, but going to extend it till the end of the month. If at least 5 people donate any amount, I will randomly pick one person to be given a 45 min Hot Stone Massage with Essential Oils!! Come on,who would want that!!! For every $10 you give, your name will get added to the bucket! So for example if you give $30 you get your name in 3 times! Pa/Ny friends you can get in on this too because we will be visiting in the middle of October and I can give it to you then!! Who's going to be the first to help save a couple babies?

What else would you like to see raffled? Have suggestions for raising money? It's so much faster than with a typical adoption. I'm trying not to freak out, but not sure I'm doing a good job with that!

Monday, August 26, 2013

One Small Step Closer....

Got an e-mail from Dr Kumar's office to print, fill out, and return this paper...

 and then we will schedule a phone interview. You better believe I am doing it all in the same day. Printed, filled out, and e-mailed back! Not sure when the phone interview will be, but excited and nervous! One step closer....

Trying not to dwell on the money part and the waiting till we get matched with some embryo's. We are considering doing anonymous, but we will see what the Lord does! Lord have mercy and help me sleep with all my anxiousness!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Here we go again!

So we are officially starting a new journey to adopt again!! This journey will be like no other! We are going to adopt embryo's, also called snowflake babies! I know this is different, but if you take the time to learn about it, it really is an awesome way to save babies!!! I will give an explanation of it and at the bottom of the page I will put a couple links where you can learn more. It's a shorter process in a way, but not if you count the length of pregnancy. At least with our last experience where we went from first application to baby in our arms in 7 months.

Basically when a woman has fertility problems one of the ways they try to get pregnant is through IVF(In Vitro Fertilization) This is a costly procedure where the woman takes drugs to stimulate her ovaries to produce a bunch of eggs. Then they harvest them and fertilize them with the husbands sperm to create an embryo. Since it is so expensive they create many embryo's to have the best odds of getting pregnant. However, sometimes it works on the first try or they have a few and want no more and then they have some left over and they have to decide what happens to them. They can dispose of them, donate them to science, freeze them indefinitely, or freeze and donate them to other women who want to get pregnant. This is pretty controversial, but my husband and I feel it is wrong to dispose or donate them to science. They are babies! There are an estimated of 500,000 frozen embryo's around the world just waiting for a womb to grow in! I loved being pregnant and am excited about saving a baby(or more)'s life! Once we are matched with a donor the process should take 2-4 months till I'm pregnant. And the cost will be about $5-6K for everything.

Here is a rough draft of what it will look like.

       1.) We put up a profile on a site called Miracles Waiting. It is a place where you can put an ad that you are looking for embryo's and information about yourself so donors can look and find someone they feel will be a good fit to what they want for their babies. You can just go straight through your doctor to get anonymous donors, but we would like to have a semi open adoption since that is what we have with Izzy. We would like them to have the option to get to know their biological siblings and parents.

      2.) I have contacted the ER (reproductive endocrinologist)  that we will most likely use. Dr Kumar in LA. He was HIGHLY recommended to me from a couple women.

      3.) Once we are matched, we work with an attourney to get all the legal stuff figured out so that we are the legal parents then we have to get the embryo's to our clinic. I will also start regiment to get my body prepared to accept the embryos. Essentially BCP (birth control pills) and some other hormones to thicken my uterine wall. I will detail that more when I am going through it.

      4.) When everything is perfect I will travel to LA for the FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). I will stay in the area for a couple days then come back to finish out my pregnancy.

Before we get to far we really need to raise the funds! It was amazing to see God work through Izzy's adoption and trust he can do it again! I can't thank those who helped with that enough! We can't imagine our lives with out her! She brings so much joy to our family and know we will feel the same with this baby(ies)!! ANY amount is a huge blessing!! No amount is TOO small! Every little bit gets us closer to saving a sweet baby(or two).

Donating is super easy! Just click THIS Go Fund Me LINK Can be anonymous or known. Also, I have a paypal link on the right side bar. Or you can send cash or check to 4003 E 115th St. Kansas City, Mo 64137

Here are a couple Links to some websites that you can read through with more information. Please feel free to ask questions, but please be respectful and supportive!

Miracles Waiting

Embryo Adoption Awareness Center

We really appreciate all your prayers and support while we head down this new journey!!! I will keep this blog updated constantly!