Monday, September 30, 2013

First Doctor Apointment and Contract Draft

So, things are moving along....I've been on birth control for a week, and this weekend we got all the forms we have to fill-out and an order to get a PAP and blood work done. Both are scheduled for Wednesday morning!!! Along with the forms we had to fill out, was essentially a bill! I was pretty anxious and stressed about all the costs, but realized God put us on this journey and he will provide for it!

MINOR UPDATE----Last night we received the contract draft that makes the embryo's OURS!! We are going over it with the lawyer tonight and then just have to have the donors go over it and sign it to make it official!! This is getting so real!!! So excited!! Soon we will be a family of 13!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Pharmacy Run...

So, today I e-mailed the clinic to see where things were at and what things look like as we go forward.I was excited to get a response today. Sometimes it takes a day or two. The assistant was finally able to reach the donor couple today and is arranging everything on their end. I will be getting all the paperwork this week! She said she would have to put me on birth control when I'm on day 2 of my period. I responded right away because today is day 3 and I asked if I had to wait a whole extra month. She said I could get on it tonight. I had her call in the script to the pharmacy with an hour to spare before the pharmacy closed! I have to be one of the happiest people to be going to get on BCP! But I am, why? Because it means I'm that much closer to getting my babies!! Also, a sweet was totally covered by my insurance with no copay!! I will be on all active pills until all the legal stuff is sorted out and we pick a transfer date!! I will go off the pills for 3.5 weeks before the FET.

We also, looked at baby names tonight!! I have to say, that is one thing we have never had a hard time with. I'm so thankful!! I know it takes a long time for some couples to agree on names. Paul and I have 4 names picked out. 2 Boy and 2 Girl so no matter how things roll, we got it covered!!

If your local we would love to see you at our fundraising yard sale and buy some stuff or just say hi! If your not local you can still help by donating via the link to the left!

ADOPTION FUNDRAISING YARD SALE-----Saturday, Sept 28th-----8am-6pm-----
-----6613 E 123rd Ter Grandview, Mo 64030------ Come check it out and help a great cause! A large variety of stuff!! Including, but not limited to: baby stuff, furniture, clothing kids and adult, kitchen stuff, ect.... We will be accepting Credit Cards for purchases over $5!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lawyer step....

Thank you all for your amazing love, support, and prayers!! We need them!!Okay, so we made the big decision to adopt 6 Filipino embryo's, but before the "fun" part we have to work with our lawyer Lesa. Of course our end of things will be done SUPER fast, because I'm excited! However, the donor side of things can take a little more time simply because they aren't in a hurry, because it's not as much of a priority for them. Lesa said it can be 1-3 weeks till they are officially mine! Oh my, that will feel like forever to me. I'm praying that they understand my urgency and don't doddle! In the mean time, I'm trying to see if I can start the birth control part of the process, so that when things are settled legally with the embies, we are that much closer to being able to do the FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). If you know me, or as you can see, patient is not a word that describes me!! Never has been. You can ask my MOM! I'm trying to not be too anxious...Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.... So, if you think about it, please pray for my heart and nerves to be calm and trust God's timing! And pray the staff doesn't get annoyed with my pushing ;)

Also, this means we have to pay a big chunk of $$ to the lawyer! So, more than half of what we've raised so far will be gone, but....Praise God we have it!!

Other than straight donations, we are trying to raise money a couple of other ways......

First we are doing a 10 day fundraiser through Chrome Buffalo selling t-shirts. We get $11 for every t-shirt sold!! You can check it out and buy one HERE!!

Also, I do family/maternity/baby photo shoots for a suggested donation of only $99 

You can check out my work on my Facebook Page  HERE

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And the decision is....

After a weekend full of prayer and listening we have decided to go forward with adopting 6 Filipino Embryos!! There are all sorts of feelings!! Excitement, fear, anxious, EXCITEMENT! We were originally looking for around 4, but really feel led to these 6 Filipino babies! There are so many variables! We don't know out of these 6 how many will survive the thawing process and from there, how many will take in my womb. They will only do 2 at a time, so I will NOT be having sextuplets!! But, there is a possibility of having 3 sets of twins. VERY, very slim, but possible. Or we could only end up with one baby out of 6. We are just going to have to wait and see what the Lord has in store for us! Please keep us in prayers as we continue in this journey! The next step is working with a lawyer to get them legally ours! Then we will start the process of getting my body prepared! I'm not sure of a time line, but it looks very possible to be pregnant in November or December!! Trying not to set my expectation too high, but I have hope! It's amazing how attached to these babies I am already! I love having someone to specifically pray for!! I will hopefully be in contact with the lawyer today and learn more from my doctors office! I will keep you all posted!! So keep praying things go smoothly, and funds come in!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Making Progress!

So it's been 2 tortuous weeks with out hearing anything, but today we made leaps and bounds! We are deciding between 2 profiles. This is hard...I want to save them all...but I know that's not practical... We want the ones that God wants for us! Please pray for wisdom and revelation as we make this decision. We will probably finalize our decision by Monday morning. One profile has 6 Philipino embryos and one has 4 Caucasian embryo's. We are torn because 4 was our original goal, but for some reason we feel drawn to the the 6 Philipino. It's hard because we will give a chance of life to all the embies that we get. A large percentage don't survive the thawing process, but it is likely that if we went with the 6 that I would end up doing the process twice. We really just want what God wants for us and not make choices out of fears. There are a lot of unknowns through this process and will take it one step at a time. This is a HUGE step and I don't want to go the wrong way!

Also, please pray for the financial aspect. Putting things in motion means paying $$. We have been so blessed so far, but have a long way to go. I have faith that God will provide, but that doesn't mean I'm still not worried, even though I shouldn't.

We are having a Garage Sale at a friends house in 2 weeks. Stay tuned for more info on that!

Please consider donating to help us save some of these precious lives just waiting to have a womb to grow in! Every little bit helps! Seriously, every $5 dollars adds up!! I mean really, if each one of my "friends" on Facebook gave only $10 these babies would be fully supported!!

Thank you for all those who support us in prayer and/or financial. It really means a lot to us and the babies we are saving!