The day after the transfer I had a super laid back morning. My sweet friend went to a nice unique coffee shop and got me a yummy bagel egg sandwich. It felt so good to just lie around. I was pretty tired and the bed was super comfy!! It was really nice that check out time wasn't till noon! So even with being lazy we both had time to take nice hot showers. We said good buy to our beautiful hotel and pacific beach! I have to say, even though it was pretty, I prefer the east coast :) But I LOVED the mountains and being able to see the ocean and mountains at the same time is incredible!
A selfie leaving the hotel..
After the hotel we went back to Michelle's parents for some yummy cheesy potato soup and a nap! Then we went for a drive up the mountains! I was sad I didn't bring my nice camera with me to Cali, so these cell phone pics will have to do.
Selfie on the mountain top
After our car tour of the mountain side that was basically in their backyard, we drove into L.A. and went on a TMZ tour!
Selfie on the tour bus...
Selfie at Pinks!
Ok, now that My and Michelle's face are imprinted in your minds, let me fill you in on the rest of the days so far. Don't worry, no more selfies....
The next day I slept in and just took it easy in my room at Michelle's parents while she got to visit a good friend. Then we got packed up and headed to the airport. I checked in curbside since I'm not allowed to lift anything for awhile, and between check-in and TSA check point I lost my license!! That was NOT cool! I was trying to keep calm and not stress since I'm sure that would not be good for the babies, but it was hard holding in the tears...I retraced my steps (not that far) and asked many workers with no luck! Thankfully I had enough other identifying info that I was still able to get through the check point, but I still do not have my license! Please pray they find it and that someone doesn't try to steal my identity!
My first flight got delayed and that got me a bit stressed for a little bit because it gave me only 10 minutes between connecting flights and I'm not ALLOWED to run! Thankfully my second flight got delayed a little and ended up being in the same corridor so I was able to walk right over to my next flight. I was so happy to see my husband at the airport and go home and be with the rest of my family!
My husband was super nice and had taken Monday off so that he could take care of the kids and let me rest from the whole trip! I was able to rest and get laundry put through!
Yesterday Paul went back to work and we had a pretty normal day. I was able to get laundry put away and Christmas cards done. I had to be careful, because I could feel I was starting to over do it and took a break before having to get the kids from school.
Today Paul stayed home because he has been sick (Fever and sinus junk). Eryn-Elizabeth had had it for several days and seems better today. Please stand in faith with me that I will not get this sickness! Today I also, had blood work done to check my progesterone and estrogen levels. I got a call from my nurse this evening and she said everything looks GREAT! They like to see progesterone around 30 and mine was 81!! They like estrogen around *100's and mine was in the *200's,. I'm not sure on the exact numbers on the estrogen (I was too excited to hear that they were good), but they were at least double what they like to see!! She just said to keep on the same amounts of the meds I'm on and she will talk to me on Monday when I get my HCG levels tested!!
I've been trying hard to walk the line of faith and at the same time preparing my heart for the worst. That's a hard task for me! I jump in with two feet and ride the emotional roller coaster that my poor husband has to deal with! When I start to get nervous or sad that they might not implant, I just remember....They are not MINE they are God's babies and I give them to him to do with as he sees fit, because I know his plan is better than mine. Even if I can't see it at the time. That has seemed to help and give me a peace through all this. I still find myself getting excited when I feel "different", my boobs have grown, and I'm having nauseous bouts, but then I get nervous because I'm scared to be excited(expectant), because it could just be in my head (convincing my body to feel a certain way) or just reactions to the hormones I'm on, and then the cycle continues and I hand it over to The Lord! Please pray for me in this time of waiting full of feelings and emotions and above all, God's will!! Monday feels close, yet so far!!