Friday, May 27, 2011

We got an answer....

So tonight we finally got the call we have been waiting for....did the birth parents pick us? They separately looked at the 4 families and each picked their top 2, then came together to see what matched up, and OUR profile was the one they had both chosen!!!!! We will meet with them on Monday before they make their final decision. So, we need lots of prayers!!! Also, we need some one to watch the kids Monday morning from 10:45 for an hour or two while we go to the meeting. This means that by the end of next week we can be "matched" and have a baby beginning of August!! However, this also means that we have to come up with $4,000 by the end of next week!!! I don't know how, but I am trusting God to provide because, we surly don't have that kind of money!! This is happening all so fast and is very exciting, but I am constantly handing it over to God, because we can't do this with out him! If you would like to help, there are links to several different ways you can do so. Thank you for your continued support on our whirlwind journey to adopt!


  1. I am so happy for you guys and am praying that everything works out for you to get that baby! We wanted to help you guys out a bit because I know $4,000 is a lot of money to come up with so quickly. We donated through my husband's paypal account. Good luck, and we will be praying for you guys!

  2. Congrats! Can't wait to hear how it goes on Monday!

  3. Oh gosh....this is so TOTALLY exciting!! Sending tons of prayers and love to you all! <3

  4. Oh my goodness. You thought you'd have one by July/August, and you were right! Congratulations!
