A couple days ago we met our new social worker. Because of a new law that had past, we had to get a home study update with a different social worker. The meeting went very well and I was pleased to find out that, that was all we had to do and that we didn't have to do a whole other home visit with the kids!! However, we did get another packet of paper work to do....not looking forward to that, but I'm not going to complain! She was wonderful and we are very thankful for her. Also, today we had a meeting with our Adoption Agency to go over how things are at this stage and how to handle things. This meeting also went well. We also found out that we got a grant from the Zoe Foundation that will cover the REST of our adoption costs!! If you know me, you know I hardly EVER cry, but several people can contest that I did at hearing this! I was so blown away. I wasn't expecting that and is a huge burden off of us! Praise the Lord! I can't even begin to express how the generosity of people and the Lord have made me feel. AMAZING!!
On baby news.... Monday the level 2 ultrasound is scheduled at 12:30. Please be praying that the spot they saw on the ultrasound last week was nothing and that the baby is perfectly healthy! Also pray that they baby comes at a good time in the week so that baby can go straight from hospital to home with us. It all depends on when we can get a court appointment.
We no longer need financial needs for the adoption, but we still need some baby items. You can go here:
Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry and buy off our registry or any money that we get now will go towards baby stuff.
Oh, CONGRATULATIONS on the Zoe Grant! What a great update!!