Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8 Weeks

Our sweet girl is already 8 weeks! She is 10lbs 8oz. The doctor said she looks good and healthy, however we are watching her belly button hernia. They usually heal by the time they are 1 year old, so that is what we are praying for and would appreciate all your prayers for it too! It has gone by so fast, and yet can't imagine our lives with out her. I plan to write out our whole story, but for now here are some pictures I took today and a picture of all the kids. Enjoy :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Little update

We are starting to adjust to 5! She is wonderful. She seems to be a night owl and thinks bedtime is 11pm or midnight!! Which makes for a tired mommy, but once she's asleep, she sleeps fairly well. Also, since I'm nursing and supplementing, feedings take about an hour and that happens every 3-4 hours so I'm having to learn to plan my day differently. Today I weighed her using the super precise (hear the sarcasm) way of weighing myself holding her and then with out and subtracting the difference. And according to that she is exactly 7lbs. So even if my scale is off a couple oz it looks like she has gained weight. PTL! We have been thankful for the meals we have received from people. Being exhausted it is huge to not have to come up with a dinner. If you would like to help you can sign up HERE . We would be so appreciative, and if you live far away you don't have to miss out, you can get us a restaurant gift card through the site as well. Here are a few photos. Her first real bath! She didn't hate it, but didn't love it.

She is so strong!!

Sisters!! All the kids love her!

Also, if you would like to get us something we need for the baby, we are registered HERE

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First Doctor Appt

Today Eryn-Elizabeth had her first doctor appointment. The doctor said she looks good and happy! However, she weighed 6lbs 11oz at birth and is now 6lbs 5oz. It is normal for them to loose some weight after birth, but they want them to be back at birth weight at 2 weeks old. So, please pray that she starts gaining weight. She is eating fine. Nursing and supplementing.

If you would like to continue to help us through our adoption journey you can help 2 ways.

We have a registry at Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry for baby things we still need...


You can bring us a meal or a gift card to a restaurant here: mealbaby

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Siblings meet Eryn-Elizabeth

Sleeping peacefully oblivious to the hurricane that is about to enter the room.
They're here!

They all love her and can't wait till we are all home together.

Here is our baby registry for a few things we still need: Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry

A few Pictures

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She's Here

Eryn-Elizabeth Hope (Izzy) blessed this world today, July 27th at 5:15 pm. She is beautiful and weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She is doing great! and birth mom is doing well too! The Lord has been with us and the hospital staff has been amazing. I am thank full to have a shared room where I have my own bed and Izzy with me. I can't upload pictures right now, but have a couple uploaded on my facebook and there is a link to that on the left :) The unfortunate part is that baby will have to be in foster care over the weekend, but I trust God has it all under control! Pray for the perfect family and that they would even possible let me sleep/stay there the whole time so I can continue to nurse and take care of her. Thank you all who have partnered with us through this amazing journey!!


At the hospital waiting to hear if she is progressing and if they are going to admit her! Please pray this is it and they don't send us home!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Level 2 ultrasound

Today we got the level 2 ultrasound. The tech said, from what she can tell everything looks fine! Praise the Lord! We should have a regular doctor appointment this week and get the full results. Praying to hear that Izzy looks perfect!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Meetings and Finances

A couple days ago we met our new social worker. Because of a new law that had past, we had to get a home study update with a different social worker. The meeting went very well and I was pleased to find out that, that was all we had to do and that we didn't have to do a whole other home visit with the kids!! However, we did get another packet of paper work to do....not looking forward to that, but I'm not going to complain! She was wonderful and we are very thankful for her. Also, today we had a meeting with our Adoption Agency to go over how things are at this stage and how to handle things. This meeting also went well. We also found out that we got a grant from the Zoe Foundation that will cover the REST of our adoption costs!! If you know me, you know I hardly EVER cry, but several people can contest that I did at hearing this! I was so blown away. I wasn't expecting that and is a huge burden off of us! Praise the Lord! I can't even begin to express how the generosity of people and the Lord have made me feel. AMAZING!!

On baby news.... Monday the level 2 ultrasound is scheduled at 12:30. Please be praying that the spot they saw on the ultrasound last week was nothing and that the baby is perfectly healthy! Also pray that they baby comes at a good time in the week so that baby can go straight from hospital to home with us. It all depends on when we can get a court appointment.

We no longer need financial needs for the adoption, but we still need some baby items. You can go here: Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry and buy off our registry or any money that we get now will go towards baby stuff.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Up's and Down's

So yesterday we go the very exciting news that we are getting a GIRL! However, today we find out from the doctor that they found a dark spot on a part of her heart. The doctor said that most likely it is just a normal ligament and the picture is just at a wrong angle, but just to make sure we are having a level 2 ultrasound done next week to get a clear picture. So, please, PLEASE pray that it is nothing, and that Eryn-Elizabeth is completely healthy! On good note, we had a much better doctor and I liked her a lot, and she is going to be our primary doctor through this. The baby measured at 37 weeks and about 7lbs, so it really could be any day, or still weeks away.

We are meeting with our new social worker Monday night and that should fix our problem with the new law. So thankful that she could do an evening appointment so my husband didn't have to take off work and we also don't have to do another whole family visit.

As far as our finances go, we still need approx $800 for total cost. We also need some baby items and am registered at Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Baby Gender Revealed!!

Today we got to go to the long anticipated ultrasound!! It was amazing to see our baby!! Praise Jesus we were able to find out the sex of the baby!! You can find out two ways! You can watch this short video, or you can go to our baby registry and see what we need which will have gender specific items! If you watch this, please do not make any comments about the sex on facebook,ect... until I say something about it facebook wide, so people can all learn the fun way! Thanks!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's your Guess?!?

Well, the Lord continues to show himself and I am thankful to everyone who listens to his voice. We are down to needing a little less than $800. Thursday at 2 I get to go to the ultra sound. Please pray the baby cooperates so we can find out who this precious baby is!! I would like to know your guess! Fill out the poll!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


So I just wanted to give you all a small update. We have received most of the funds we need for all our adoption costs, but we are still short about $1363. Also, I got to go to a doctors appointment with our birth mom and they schedule an ultrasound for this coming Thursday. I can't wait to see the baby and really, REALLY hope the baby will cooperate and we will be able to find out if it's a boy or girl. We also need some baby items. I am the opposite of a pack rat and had gotten rid of some things, and then the things we kept and stored at my parents house burnt down with their house 2 years ago, so we are in need of some baby stuff. We are registered at BabiesRus and there is a link to it below. Also, if you find what we registered for somewhere else cheaper feel free to get it where ever, just let me know so I can mark it off the registry. I also happily take hammy downs of anything!! I will make sure to update you all after the sonogram!

Friday, July 1, 2011

God is blowing my Mind!!

Just got informed that we will have gotten the full grant amount. I can't thank you all enough that have given!!!!!! On top of that we got cash in the mail anonymously!! Thank you to who ever did that! That was a sweet kiss from God. I actually specifically asked to be given some that way!! My faith is multiplying and I am so thankful for each one of you that have taken part in that!! Our new total need is approximately $1,453. God can and will provide!!!

Financial Update

I found out today that we are only $100 short of reaching out grant total! Praise the Lord. Please don't let the opportunity pass you by to complete this special gift! A check must be in the mail and post marked by tomorrow for it to go to us. However, have a payment due on Wednesday of $2625 and I don't think all the grant money will be in to use in time for that payment, so feel free to give straight to us as well. And remember, NO gift is too little!! We are getting closer to our full financial need. We still need approx $2652 for our full adoption costs. The Lord has been stretching my faith. Many days of stress and trying to continually give it over to him, but it is so worth it when I see him come through for us! Thank you so much for all those who have been apart of God's plan for us and this baby and thank you to all those who are praying with us and believing God will provide all we need according to his riches!

We finally have a doctors appointment scheduled for July, 7th. The last one got cancelled so I am very anxious. Really hoping for an ultra sound so we can find out if we are having a boy or girl!!

Also, I started a baby registry at Target :) I will be updating it and adding to it, especially if we find out the sex of the baby!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Serious Need

Below you will find a brief summary of our story so far and our finances. As far as we know, no one has given to our grant. There are only 3 days left to benefit from this! In the mean time we have called and talked to several banks and have had NO success in getting a loan of any kind. If you have the means, PLEASE consider giving to help us give this precious baby a loving home. If you can't give, please pray for us. This is very stressful, but we are trying to lean on the Lord.

We felt the Lord tug on our hearts to start our journey to adoption in January. As soon as we started talking about it we heard an announcement at church about an adoption info meeting for an adoption agency through our church. We took all four kids, went to the meeting, and decided to pick up the initial paperwork right then. We worked fast, and quickly turned in the our pre-approval application and got a very fast reply that we were pre-approved. Then we started the major work. We had to do a ton of paperwork of pretty much our entire life history. We also had to get background checks from three different states, several personal references, doctor physicals, create and print a family profile, and more. Along with the cost of all the fees associate with those things we also had to have a social worker do a home study and pay the first portion of the main payment to the adoption agency. All that totaled to a little over $3,200.

It was May when all this was said and done and we were home study ready. It was only 12 days after we were home study ready that our profile was being looked at by a birth family. After a couple of days waiting to hear, they decided they wanted to meet us. We met them and it went extremely well; The Lord was with us. Ten days later, they called us and said they picked us! This meant we had very little time to come up with $4,108. We had used all the money we had saved up and fund-raised from selling baked goods and babysitting for the first major payment. However, God blessed us greatly, at the eleventh hour, by providing the money we needed for this portion through gifts from people.

We just recently met with our adoption attorney and found out that our legal fees would be around around $3,767. Also, we found out that a law had recently changed and we have to get our home study updated through a different agency which will cost us about $250. On July 6th we will have to pay the remainder of the agency fees of $2,625. And then after we have the baby we will have to have three social worker visits that will total about $900. The approximate total cost will be about $15,456; having already paid $7,330, we are still in need of a little over $8,000. The baby is due August 6th and I will be going to a doctors appointment with the birth mom soon and will hopefully find out more information.

We just heard from Hand in Hand, which is a non-profit private operating foundation that gives grants to Christian families that are adopting. We got a matching grant. They will match dollar for dollar up to $2,000 which would be $4,000 towards adoption costs. Any money given through them will be tax deductible. Also, any amount over the grant amount will still go to us towards adoption costs, it just won't be doubled.

Please send all donations made payable to “Hand in Hand Christian Adoption” postmarked by July 2nd

to: Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc.

Paul & Rebekah Hoover

18524 Juniper Street Gardner, KS 66030-9147

(for tax purposes please include our name on the outside of the envelope ONLY…DO NOT put our name on the check itself)

Thank you for your prayerful consideration in helping a child find a “forever” family. Also, if you would like to read more detail and follow us on our journey, feel free to follow our adoption blog: and feel free to ask questions e-mail or by phone 816-761-0073

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hand in Hand Grant

We were given a watching grant from Hand in Hand. Praise the Lord! Below is a letter that explains it as well as our grant award letter. Please feel free to pass along to any one that you might think would like a place to give that will be tax deductible. The check must be post marked no later than JULY 2nd. Also, even though the matching grant only matches up to 2k (meaning we would get 4k from 2k given), anything above that given will still be given to us, so don't feel restricted. We need over 8k total!

Dear Family and Friends,

As many of you may have already heard we feel that God has called us on a new journey to provide a “forever” family to a child through the process of adoption. We have started down this path of adoption and are excited to bring a child into our home within the two months. We have felt led to pursue a child from our current area (Kansas City) and are excited to announce that we have been matched with a birth family and will be welcoming a sweet baby into our home around August 6th, 2011.

This road to adoption is full of many joys and challenges, the greatest joy being the inclusion of a child into our family and the greatest challenge being finances. The costs of adoption include the expense of a home study, adoption agency, lawyers, travel expenses, etc., with the total cost ending up somewhere around $15,000.

We were recently awarded a matching funds grant to help with the expenses of our adoption through Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc. a non-profit private operating foundation. Hand in Hand will match any funds that are donated through our friends and family for the expenses of our adoption. All funds received through our friends and family will be matched dollar for dollar by Hand in Hand up to our awarded grant amount. All donations are tax-deductible.

Please find enclosed a grant award letter that will explain more about the matching grant program from Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc. You can find out more about Hand in Hand through their website at If you have further questions about the Hand in Hand matching grant program please feel free to give us a call at 816-761-0073 or email us at . You may also contact Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc. with any questions you may have. They can be reached at 913-248-5015 or by e-mail at

Please send all donations made payable to “Hand in Hand Christian Adoption” postmarked by July 2nd to: (for tax purposes please include our name on the outside of the envelope only…DO NOT put our name on the check itself)

Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc.

Paul & Rebekah Hoover

18524 Juniper Street Gardner, KS 66030-9147

Thank you for your prayerful consideration in helping a child find a “forever” family.

Walking Hand in Hand,

Paul & Rebekah Hoover


Award Letter

June 20, 2011

Dear Paul & Rebekah:

We have reviewed your application for a matching grant and are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded a dollar for dollar matching grant up to $4,000. The specific amount received will depend on the amount of funds donated by family and friends on your behalf. The grant amount includes both the funds raised and the funds matched by HANDinHAND Christian Adoption, Inc. If you raise $2,000 from family and friends, HANDinHAND will match those funds for a total grant of $4,000.

All monies will be disbursed directly to your adoption agency, adoption lawyer or other adoption expenses after HANDinHAND has received an approved invoice from one of these sources. Monies already paid will not be reimbursed. Only outstanding balances will be paid by your awarded grant. Monies will be disbursed up to the amount of the final awarded grant. Funds received over the grant amount will go toward your adoption expenses not to exceed the outstanding adoption costs. Funds received over outstanding adoption expenses will help other children find “forever” families through the general fund of HANDinHAND Christian Adoption, Inc.

All donated monies must be in our HANDinHAND office or postmarked by July 2, 2011 to be considered in the dollar for dollar match for your specific grant. Funds received after this time will go toward the general fund of HANDinHAND Christian Adoption, Inc. to continue to help children find “forever” families.

In the case of a disrupted adoption, monies will be held for your use for up to 1 year from the disruption then after that time will be used to help other children and their families through Hand in Hand’s general fund.

We are so excited to be able in a small way to help a child find a “forever” family. Thank you for being obedient to God’s call in your life to help a child. We appreciate your heart and look forward to working with you in accomplishing this goal.


Trudy A. George


HANDinHAND Christian Adoption, Inc.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Busy Week

Thankfully I can meet our attorney by myself this time. I meet with him tomorrow afternoon. Then Wednesday morning I get to go to a doctor appointment with my birth mom. I am so excited!! Hoping they will do an ultra sound that day, but if not, I imagine it will be soon after. It will be nice to know a little more. We are still waiting to hear back from the two grants we applied for, but will hopefully hear something this week! Also, our new social worker said we will meet mid July. That's very helpful since my husband can't take time off work the next two weeks, but our social worker will not be available for the first week or two of July, so it makes me a little nervous to be doing it so close to the babies due date. Thanks for all your prayers and support, I will keep you all posted :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So we have come into some complications. Missouri recently changed a law that the birth parents and adoptive parents can not have the same social worker, which we have. Now we have to go through another agency and get our home study updated. Thankfully they connected us with a social worker through Christian Family Services and are going to do it at an amazing price. However, please pray for timing, first of all we have only approximately 7 weeks until the baby is due, and these next two weeks are the hardest, longest weeks of the year for my husbands job. So, it will be incredibly hard and stressful if he needs to take time off for a social worker visit. We are also starting to work with an adoption attorney soon and am praying that won't take time from my husband either. And, of course there is always the money need. Thanks to our references working so fast, our application is being looked at today. Please pray they are able to be quick with their process at getting us our grant super fast. It will be a matching grant and will be tax free. I will post about that as soon as we get our info. We also submitted another grant that we are hoping to get some help from. I uploaded a financial need chart so that you can all see where we are at and what we still need. One more thing.... I am hoping to be able to nurse the baby and the inducing process is not going as well as I would like, so if you could say a prayer for me concerning this as well, I would really appreciate it! Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

MO Law

So the match meeting went really well this morning, but then later this afternoon we got a call about a new Missouri Law that JUST came out. The birth mom and adopting family can not have the same social worker!! This means either the BM or us have to do an update with a different social worker which means more money from us (either way) and more time needed from us if we have to change social workers; which isn't really an option with Paul's work right now. We will know more tomorrow about all this. Please Please Pray that it will all work out smoothly!! Also, pray that Hand in Hand moves quickly with the matching grant as well as the people who have to do references for it. If it takes the normal time, it will not be done in time to help us!! Thank you for your support and prayers!!! I will keep you all posted!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


We got the money!!!! Thank you to all who made this possible. You all have a part in giving this baby a wonderful chance at life with a loving family!! May you be blessed 100 fold!! The next step will be talking with an attorney for the law part of all this, and costs of this are estimated to between $1500-$2500. I get to go to a doctors appointment with the birth mom on June 22nd. I don't know if they will do an ultra sound or not. I'm hoping we can find out what the sex of the baby is so that I can prepare better. She is due August 6th. We also have to pay the last portion of the adoption fees by July 6th which only gives us 3 weeks and that will be $2625. We have applied for a matching grant that will hopefully get approved very soon. If that happens any amount given to the grant will be matched dollar for dollar and will be tax-deductible. Thank you all for all your support with prayers and donations, we are so humbled and blessed!!


I'm trying to hold on to faith as tomorrow draws near and we still need $1968!!! All avenues we have tried have failed, so it is up to God. Please, Please, Please, pray!!!!! Even if you can only give $5 or $10 it all adds up!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Match Meeting and Financial Need

So it looks like we will have our "Match Meeting" on Tuesday afternoon. This is where we have to sign the match statement and pay half of the remaining program fee $2,625.00, Birth Mother Living Expenses #1383.51, and a Foster Care fee of $100. Totally of $4108.51. So far we have been given $2106.51 which means NEED $2002.00 by TUESDAY!!! Also, we will have to pay legal fees shortly between $1500-$2500. And July 6th we will have to pay the second half of the program fee of another $2625.00. There could also end up being a little more BM living expenses. So, all of this totals upwards of $9,233.51 that we NEED. Thank you to all those who have given already we couldn't do this with out your wonderful support!! If you can help us with our need we would be extremely grateful!! If you can't please pray the funds come in!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The day we have been waiting for is finally here!! I got a call tonight not by the agency, but by the birth mother herself!! They wanted to tell us!! She is going to make a doctor appointment tomorrow and is going to let me know when it is so I can go with her!! So excited!! I will keep you all posted as things develop and our financial need. I should know more tomorrow after talking to our adoption consultant!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Continuing to wait....

Don't really know a whole lot right now. I got a call and it wasn't what I was hoping, it was "They are still thinking." The father wanted to look at a couple other profiles before finalizing his decision, but the mother still seems to be set with us. I'm trying to keep my head and heart totally before the Lord. We want God's will for this baby. We feel it might be us, but not certain. But you better believe I am spiritually fighting for this baby to be placed in the right home whether it's with us or not. Please continue to pray for us, the baby, and the birth parents. We should hear something more by tonight or tomorrow, but I know I've said this before. An answer would be really nice.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Waiting Continues....

I got a call from our adoption consultant letting us know that the social worker has a meeting with the birth parents on Tuesday. So we will probably know Tuesday night or Wednesday. It is so hard to wait because it puts doubt in my head even though we feel so good about it. However, this gives us more time to get money. We have really been blessed by those that have given so far. If we finalize next week, we still need roughly $3,250 by the later half of next week!! It's all in God's hands! All, I can do is pray for the couple and the baby and for God's will to be done in it all.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Thank you to all that have given so far, we have been truly blessed!! We still need about 3k to meet our need. I'm hoping to hear today that they finalized their decision, but I don't know. Trying to be patient and not anxious. I promise to update as soon as I know!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Meeting the Birth Parents

I know some of you are dying to hear how it went. Thank you to all those who prayed! It went REALLY well. We have heard that they really liked us and had nothing but GOOD things to say about us. Now we have to do a little more waiting. It may take them a couple days to finalize their decision. Paul and I feel really good about it all. We really liked the couple and were amazed at how open our hearts were for the parents. If they decide to go forward with us we will probably get together with them more and I might even get to go to a sonogram with her!! This would also mean that we would most likely need to come up with the 4-5K by the end of the week!! Please consider helping us achieve this to help this sweet baby!

Friday, May 27, 2011

We got an answer....

So tonight we finally got the call we have been waiting for....did the birth parents pick us? They separately looked at the 4 families and each picked their top 2, then came together to see what matched up, and OUR profile was the one they had both chosen!!!!! We will meet with them on Monday before they make their final decision. So, we need lots of prayers!!! Also, we need some one to watch the kids Monday morning from 10:45 for an hour or two while we go to the meeting. This means that by the end of next week we can be "matched" and have a baby beginning of August!! However, this also means that we have to come up with $4,000 by the end of next week!!! I don't know how, but I am trusting God to provide because, we surly don't have that kind of money!! This is happening all so fast and is very exciting, but I am constantly handing it over to God, because we can't do this with out him! If you would like to help, there are links to several different ways you can do so. Thank you for your continued support on our whirlwind journey to adopt!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Still Waiting....

I got an e-mail this afternoon letting me know that the birth mom took 4 family profiles home to show the birth father to get his opinion. She was happy with all 4 options. We may or may not know her decision by tonight. Please continue to pray for God's perfect will for this baby and what family he/she gets placed with. I'm sure all the other families are amazing too and just want God's will even if that means that we have to continue to wait to be matched with "our" baby! Please also pray for the birth mom as I can not imagine trying to make this decision! I will let you all know as soon as I find out her decision for us.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Exciting News

Today I got a call about a birth mom. They are going to look at our profile Thursday!! We don't know if it's a boy or girl and she is due August 6th. Please pray for God's WILL! Keep tuned......I will post more when we know on Thursday!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Study Ready

We are so excited to be home study ready!! Now, the hard part.......waiting. At any time we could be picked by a birth mom to parent their child/children. It could be any day or months down the road. It's all in God's hands! I'm so ready to hold "my" baby!! I have started inducing lactation so I can have the joy and bonding of nursing. We also need to continue to fund raise! We will have to pay a large sum of money when we are matched and then again when we get the baby. We need to raise upwards of $10,000-15,000. Thank you to all that have supported us financially and/or with your prayers!! If you would like to help us with our journey of adoption you can find several links to the right of the blog of ways you can help!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Well, we should be home study ready Thursday!!! So, so excited!! Since we are getting potentially close to getting our sweet baby we sat down and decided on baby names. We are aiming for a girl, but we are still open if God decides to give us a boy or even twins. So the names are........

Erin (Peace) Isabella (God is my Oath)

Jonathan (God has Given) Mark (Warlike)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Praise The Lord!!!

We have reached our goal and our need has been met for this step!! Thank you all for giving!! Every little bit makes a difference and blesses us and our baby-to-be. Please continue to pray for us as we go further on this journey. I will keep updating this blog. Stay tuned. The Lord is Good. I can't believe it. After being beat down so harsh by the enemy, but continuing to give it over to the Lord, he came through for us and our journey to adopt. It's hard to believe! I know he can, and does, but sometimes it's hard to think he will for "me". But hold on and keep believing. Jesus Loves you and he does know best! Also, if you feel led or would like to still give, there will be much more need down the road! God isn't finished yet! I can't wait to hold this precious baby that he is giving us!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Can you spare $1.75?!? If each of my Facebook friends give just $1.75 we will have what we need to be home study ready! We need this money by Thursday!!!! Can you help?!? If so, please click the donate link on the right of the blog! Or if you don't have PayPal Message me how much you pledge and I can give you my address where you can send a check. Feel free to give more if you'd like. There will be more payments due later down the line and all donations will go strictly to adoption costs!! Thank you to all who give to our amazing journey to adopt and give a wonderful baby a loving home! If you can't give financially, we would really appreciate your prayers!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


We have been going through quite a bit lately. I believe that a lot of it is an attack of the enemy because we are doing God's work. Our family has been sick for months now. We had a stomach bug, then the flu, then strep, then nasty colds, and now our youngest has a massive ear infection and breathing problems. Not only has this all been taxing physically, but financially as well. We've also been in a car accident. No one was hurt, but our car was damaged. Thankfully we had insurance and it's covered, but still emotional and a hassle. The enemy has been attacking my husband and I as well. We have fought more in the last couple months than in our entire marriage. We would really appreciate any prayers to cover our family as we continue with our adoption. We are not going to let the enemy win and are relying on God to carry us through. Trials will only make us stronger in the end. Also, we are still in NEED of $512 by THURSDAY!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Family Profile

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Family Profile, a set on Flickr.

Here is our family profile for our adoption. This is what the birth mother will look at while choosing a family. We still need $512 to get home study approved!! Check out how you can help on the right of the blog!