Thursday, June 16, 2011


So we have come into some complications. Missouri recently changed a law that the birth parents and adoptive parents can not have the same social worker, which we have. Now we have to go through another agency and get our home study updated. Thankfully they connected us with a social worker through Christian Family Services and are going to do it at an amazing price. However, please pray for timing, first of all we have only approximately 7 weeks until the baby is due, and these next two weeks are the hardest, longest weeks of the year for my husbands job. So, it will be incredibly hard and stressful if he needs to take time off for a social worker visit. We are also starting to work with an adoption attorney soon and am praying that won't take time from my husband either. And, of course there is always the money need. Thanks to our references working so fast, our application is being looked at today. Please pray they are able to be quick with their process at getting us our grant super fast. It will be a matching grant and will be tax free. I will post about that as soon as we get our info. We also submitted another grant that we are hoping to get some help from. I uploaded a financial need chart so that you can all see where we are at and what we still need. One more thing.... I am hoping to be able to nurse the baby and the inducing process is not going as well as I would like, so if you could say a prayer for me concerning this as well, I would really appreciate it! Thank you for your continued support.

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