Thursday, December 19, 2013


Finally got the call from the nurse....We lost the babies, however, they are not lost! They are in heaven resting with Jesus! I guess my brother gets to be the uncle he always wanted to be. Don't get theological with me...I know that's not necessarily how it works. But...they are all in heaven together! It's hard to know why, lots of whys but,....I just lay it all on the cross and trust he knows best. Even if they all end up in heaven, I will know that I followed the Lords will for our lives and even if I can't see all the reasoning's, I know he has a plan for us! We have 4 more babies waiting for their chance of life so I carry on with hope! I have a phone consul with the doctor tomorrow and will know more about what happened, or at least what things look like next. Please keep me and my family's hearts in your prayers as we process this loss and wisdom on how to go forward!!

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